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A remote region accessible to vehicles but along narrow and dangerous roads.Two days of road travel are required to cover the 450km to get to Liwang.
Arriving in the afternoon of 15 march we immediately set up our material so we could begin our medical work as soon as possible. This time too a dental cabinet and gynaecological consultations were part of mobile hospital in Rolpa.
From day one the consultations were many. FIgures we are not used to in our countries: 935 orthopaedic consultations, 165 gynaecological consultations, 401 dental examinations were carried out. 85 patients benefitted from surgical interventions and 44 from other types of orthopaedic treatment (infiltrations, plaster).
To date the Rolpa camp is the one that allowed us to help most people. All the personnel of the mobile hospital, despite very tiring working days, were delighted to have helped so many people.