If gratitude can transform your everyday life into a day of celebration, your generosity has transformed the daily lives of thousands of Nepalis into days of hope.
So many of you have been touched by the earthquake in Nepal, so many of you have supported the association that we created 6 years ago, the Nepal Mountain Mobile Hospital.
There was an emergency that had to be faced up to. Your donations allowed us to respond immediately on the ground in the months of May and June. Many many thanks!
Today the silence of the media obviously does not mean everything is fine or that Nepal and the Nepalis are able undertake the reconstruction of their country, of their lives.
The emergency is over but there are enormous needs which remain.
The NMMH, in parallel with its regular activity of organising mobile camps, has decided to undertake the reconstruction of the technical building of the Phaplu Maternity Centre. This building encompassing operating theaters, maternity and delivery rooms as well as other technical departments was rendered totally unusable folowing the earthquake. This is a major operation we are launching, in which you are invited to participate. We need money obviously but you should be aware that each euro given adds a little to the motivation and determination of all those involved in this slightly mad project.
We are therefore appealing to you once more. Participate in this singularly human endeavour. By giving us your e-mail address in the panel opposite you will receive a regular update on the progress of the work, with examples of what has been achieved and the measure of what remains to be done.
It only remains for us to pronounce that little word which is never enough when it is sincere: thanks!
Our year 2023
During 2023 we have pursued our program of training nurses working at health centres in remote regions in the use of ultrasounds with a view to detecting pregnancies at risk and thus diminish mortality of the infant and of mothers in labour.
After two difficult years due to the coronavirus pandemic, and depite a timid beginning for our activities at the end of 2021, we wre able to begin our activitis again fully in 2022.
This autumn we went back to Paphlu to see to some details on the construction of the Maternity Centre. -
After the inauguration of the Phaplu Maternity Centre on 14 April 2018, the team of doctors, nurses and local medical personnel gradually moved into the new hospital buildings.